With the ?purge
command, you can delete a number of messages from a channel. You can use different filters to specify what type of messages which you want Dyno to remove.
Command | Cooldown | Usage | Example |
?purge | 5 seconds | ?purge [count] | ?purge 10 |
You can only purge up to 1,000 messages at a time with the purge command, and you cannot purge messages that are over 14 days old. Learn Why.
Delete a number of messages from a channel.
Command | Usage | Example |
?purge any | ?purge any [count] | ?purge any 10 |
Delete a number of messages from a specific user in the channel.
Command | Usages | Examples |
?purge user | ?purge user [user] [count] | ?purge user @Chipped 10 |
?purge user [user ID] [count] | ?purge user 252541269602074635 10 |
Delete messages containing specific text.
Command | Usage | Example |
?purge match | ?purge match [text] (count) | ?purge match heck off 10 |
You can only purge up to 100 messages at a time with this filter.
Delete messages not containing specific text.
Command | Usage | Example |
?purge not | ?purge not [text] (count) | ?purge not heck off 10 |
You can only purge up to 100 messages at a time with this filter.
Delete messages that starts with specific text.
Command | Usage | Example |
?purge startswith | ?purge startswith [text] (count) | ?purge startswith ? 10 |
You can only purge up to 100 messages at a time with this filter.
Delete messages that ends with specific text.
Command | Usage | Example |
?purge endswith | ?purge endswith [text] (count) | ?purge endswith / 10 |
You can only purge up to 100 messages at a time with this filter.
Delete messages that were sent after a given message.
Command | Usage | Example |
?purge after | ?purge after [message ID/link] (count) | ?purge after 1029770086954848357 10 |
Delete messages containing links.
Command | Usage | Example |
?purge links | ?purge links (count) | ?purge links 10 |
You can only purge up to 100 messages at a time with this filter.
Delete messages containing Discord server invites.
Command | Usage | Example |
?purge invites | ?purge invites (count) | ?purge invites 10 |
You can only purge up to 100 messages at a time with this filter.
Delete messages containing images.
Command | Usage | Example |
?purge images | ?purge images (count) | ?purge images 10 |
You can only purge up to 100 messages at a time with this filter.
Delete messages containing mentions.
Command | Usage | Example |
?purge mentions | ?purge mentions (count) | ?purge mentions 10 |
You can only purge up to 100 messages at a time with this filter.
Delete messages containing embedded messages.
Command | Usage | Example |
?purge embeds | ?purge embeds (count) | ?purge embeds 10 |
Delete messages sent by bot accounts.
Command | Usage | Example |
?purge bots | ?purge bots (count) | ?purge bots 10 |
Delete messages sent by members (ignores bots).
Command | Usage | Example |
?purge humans | ?purge humans (count) | ?purge humans 10 |
Delete messages containing text, ignoring images/embeds.
Command | Usage | Example |
?purge text | ?purge text (count) | ?purge text 10 |