With the ?temprole
command, you can assign or unassign a role for a limited time that persists if the user leaves and rejoins. If you persist a role to a user, they will immediately be given back the persisted role when they rejoin your server. This will log a moderation action. You can also add an optional reason.
Command | Alias | Cooldown | Usages | Examples |
?temprole | ?role4abit | 5 seconds | ?temprole [user] [limit] [role] | ?temprole NoobLance 1d Birthday |
?temprole [user] [limit] [role], [reason] | ?temprole NoobLance 1d Birthday, Happy Birthday! |
If you specify a reason, make sure to include a comma (,) between the role and the reason.
The default time limit is in minutes, however you are able to specify other time formats by adding them after the time. You can use
for “minutes”,h
for “hours”,d
for “days” orw
for “weeks”.
Removes a temprole from a user.
Command | Usages | Examples |
?temprole remove | ?temprole remove [user] [role] | ?temprole remove NoobLance Birthday |
?temprole remove [user] [role], [reason] | ?temprole remove NoobLance Birthday, Wrong date |
If you specify a reason, make sure to include a comma (,) between the role and the reason.