On the Commands tab of your server’s dashboard, you can change settings like which commands are enabled/disabled, which roles can/cannot use a command, and what channels a command can/cannot be used in.
In order to change these settings, you must be logged in and selected your server to access its unique dashboard. The commands list located at https://dyno.gg/commands does not allow you to edit your server’s settings.
To enable or disable a command, click the slider located in the top right of the command box. To enable or disable all commands in a category, select the Enable All or Disable All button at the top of the category page. Under the Settings button, you can set Allowed/Ignored Roles and Channels for the command.
Keep in mind:
- Allowed Roles/Channels will automatically ignore all other roles/channels, so you can and must not set both Allowed and Disabled Roles/Channels.
- When editing the settings for the entire category, the settings will save to each individual command and NOT to the category settings selector itself.
- Users with a Dyno Manager role will override these additional permissions, but Moderators will not.
Usage Key!
- The
around the argument means it’s required.- The
around the argument means it’s optional.
Command (click for more info) |
Description | Usage |
?help | Get information about Dyno or a command. Responds in DM if no argument is given. | ?help (command) |
?info | Get information about the bot. | ?info |
?ping | Ping the bot and get the response time in milliseconds. | ?ping |
?premium | Get information about Dyno Premium. Responds in DM. | ?premium |
?stats | Get some statistics about the bot. | ?stats |
?uptime | Get the bot uptime. | ?uptime |
Command (click for more info) |
Description | Usage |
?addemote | Adds an emote to the server. | ?addemote [name] [image link or image file] |
?addmod | Add a moderator role. | ?addmod [role] |
?addrole | Add a new server role, with optional color and hoist. | ?addrole [name] (hex color) (hoist) |
?announce | Send an announcement using the bot. | ?announce [channel] [message] |
?clearwarn | Clear warnings from users. | ?clearwarn [user] |
?command | Enable or disable a command. | ?command [command] |
?customs | List, show, enable or disable Custom Commands. | ?customs |
?delmod | Remove a moderator or moderator role. | ?delmod [role] |
?delrole | Delete a server role. | ?delrole [role] |
?giveaway | Make and manage giveaways | ?giveaway |
?ignorechannel | Toggles command usage for a channel. (Does not affect mods and managers) | ?ignorechannel [channel] |
?ignorerole | Toggles command usage for a role. (Does not affect mods and managers) | ?ignorerole [role] |
?ignoreuser | Toggles command usage for a user. | ?ignoreuser [user] (reason) |
?listmods | List all moderators and moderator roles. | ?listmods |
?mentionable | Toggles whether a role is mentionable or not. | ?mentionable [role] |
?module | Enable or disable a module. | ?module [module] |
?modules | List all available modules. | ?modules |
?nick | Change the bot nickname. | ?nick [new nickname] |
?prefix | Get the current prefix of your server or set a new one. | ?prefix (new prefix) |
?purge | Delete a number of messages from a channel. (limit 1000) | ?purge [count] |
?role | Manage the roles of a user. | ?role [user] [role name] |
?rolecolor | Change the color of a role. | ?rolecolor [role] [hex color] |
?rolename | Change the name of a role. | ?rolename [role], [new name] |
?setnick | Change the nickname of a user. | ?setnick [user] [new nickname] |
Command (click for more info) |
Description | Usage |
?ban | Ban a member. | ?ban [user] (limit) (reason) |
?case | Show a single moderation case. | ?case [case number] |
?clean | Cleanup the bot responses. | ?clean (count) |
?clearnotes | Delete all notes about a member. | ?clearnotes [user] |
?deafen | Deafen a member. | ?deafen [user] (reason) |
?delnote | Delete a single note about a member. | ?delnote [user] |
?delwarn | Clear a single warning from a member. | ?delwarn [user] |
?diagnose | Diagnose any command or module in the bot to determine if there are any problems. | ?diagnose [command or module] |
?duration | Change the duration of a timed punishment. | ?duration [case number] [new limit] |
?editnote | Edit a note about a member. | ?editnote [user] |
?ignored | List ignored channels, roles and users. | ?ignored |
?kick | Kick a member. | ?kick [user] (reason) |
?lock | Lock a channel. | ?lock [channel] (limit) (reason) |
?lockdown | Lock channels defined in moderation settings. | ?lockdown (optional message) |
?members | List members in a role or roles. | ?members [role] |
?moderations | Get a list of active timed moderations and remaining time. | ?moderations |
?modlogs | Get a list of moderation logs for a user. | ?modlogs [user] |
?modstats | Get moderation statistics for a mod/admin (may take up to 30 minutes to update). | ?modstats [user] |
?mute | Mute a member so they cannot type. | ?mute [user] (limit) (reason) |
?note | Add a note about a member. | ?note [user] [note] |
?notes | Get notes for a user. | ?notes [user] |
?reason | Supply a reason for a moderation log case. | ?reason [case number] [reason] |
?rolepersist | Assign/unassign a role that persists if the user leaves and rejoins. | ?rolepersist [user] [role], (reason) |
?softban | Softban a member (ban and immediately unban to delete their messages). | ?softban [user] (reason) |
?star | View Starboard stats for a message | ?star [message ID/link] |
?temprole | Assign/unassign a role for a limited time that persists if the user leaves and rejoins. | ?temprole [user] [time] [role], (reason) |
?unban | Unban a member. | ?unban [user] (reason) |
?undeafen | Undeafen a member. | ?undeafen [user] (reason) |
?unlock | Unlock a channel. | ?unlock [channel] (reason) |
?unmute | Unmute a member. | ?unmute [user] (reason) |
?warn | Warn a member. | ?warn [user] (reason) |
?warnings | Get warnings for a user. | ?warnings [user] |
Command (click for more info) |
Description | Usage |
?afk | Set an AFK status to display when you are mentioned. | ?afk (status) |
?avatar | Get the avatar of yourself or another user. | ?avatar (user) |
?color | Show a color using the hex code. | ?color [hex code] |
?covid | Get COVID-19 statistics. | ?covid [country or state] |
?distance | Get the distance between two sets of coordinates. | ?distance [coords] [coords] |
?dynoavatar | Generate a Dyno-like avatar. | ?dynoavatar (user) |
?emotes | Get a list of server emojis. | ?emotes (search) |
?highlights | Get notified when a a specific phrase is said in a server. | ?highlights add [phrase] |
?inviteinfo | Get information about a Discord invite. | ?inviteinfo [invite code] |
?membercount | Get the membercount of the current server. | ?membercount |
?randomcolor | Generates a random hex color with a preview. | ?randomcolor |
?remindme | Set a reminder. | ?remindme [time] [reminder] |
?roll | Roll a dice. | ?roll (size) [number of dice] |
?serverinfo | Get information about the current server. | ?serverinfo |
?whois | Get information about a user. | ?whois (user) |
Command (click for more info) |
Description | Usage |
?cat | Get some cute cat pictures. | ?cat |
?dadjoke | Get a random dad joke. | ?dadjoke |
?dog | Get some cute dog pictures. | ?dog |
?flip | Flip a coin. | ?flip |
?github | Get information about a GitHub repository. | ?github (owner/)[repo name] |
?itunes | Get information about an iTunes song. | ?itunes [song name] |
?pokemon | Get information about a Pokémon. | ?pokemon [name] |
?poll | Start a poll for people to vote on. | ?poll “[message]” “[choice 1]” “[choice 2]” |
?pug | Get some cute pug pictures. | ?pug |
?rps | Play rock, papers, scissors with the bot. | ?rps [choice] |
?space | Get information about the International and Tiangong Space Stations. | ?space |
Command (click for more info) |
Description | Usage |
?addrank | Add a new joinable rank. | ?addrank [name] (hex color) (hoist) |
?delrank | Delete an existing joinable rank. | ?delrank [name] |
?rank | Join or leave a joinable rank. | ?rank [name] |
?ranks | Get a list of joinable ranks. | ?ranks |
?roleinfo | Get information about a role. | ?roleinfo [role] |
?roles | Get a list of server roles. | ?roles (search) |
Command (click for more info) |
Description | Usage |
?tag | Get, create, edit or delete a tag. | ?tag [tag name] |
?tags | Get a list of tags. | ?tags (search) |
Note: This command is a premium feature.
Click here for more information about Premium.
Command (click for more info) |
Description | Usage |
?slowmode | Enable or disable slowmode on a channel. | ?slowmode |